Who We Are:
Renewing Homes of Greater Augusta (RHGA) is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit that provides low-income homeowners, living in Staunton, Augusta County, and Waynesboro (SAW) Virginia. The mission of RHGA is to accomplish, at no cost to a homeowner, critical home repairs and modifications for low-income elderly, disabled, and disadvantaged homeowners. We are a volunteer-driven organization with an active board and many dedicated volutneers who complete repairs for our clients.
Who We Help:
We provide our services for low income elderly, disabled or disadvantaged homeowners in Staunton, Waynesboro and Augusta County. Unfortunately the number of these persons and families increases each year. We provide our assistance to as many of these as our donated funds and volunteer labor permits. In recent years we have been able to provide help to 55-70 homeowners each year. With increased donations and volunteers we can do more. Typical jobs include roof replacement, wheelchair ramps, accessibility modifications and general repairs.
How We
Do It:
We receive requests for service from local social service agencies, churches, individuals, and local government agencies.
Upon homeowner application for service, Board Members or Staff visit the home to assess needs and eligibility. A Work Scope is prepared which includes the qualifications of the person or family (income level, health or physical circumstances, home ownership, etc.) and a description of the repairs and improvements required to permit the occupants to live in a safe, warm, dry and accessible home.
At regularly scheduled meetings the Board of Directors review project applications. Upon determination of eligibility and feasibility the project is approved. The organization then recruits volunteer persons or groups with the requisite skills and desire to execute the project. Coordination and logistical support is provided, as needed, to complete the project.