Dear Renewing Home Clients and Friends,
The Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge continues to work closely with RHGA and other community nonprofit groups as we work to try to help our communities through this coronavirus crisis.
The Community Foundation wants to know what matters most to YOU, particularly during these difficult times. One way your Community Foundation serves you is by getting financial resources to the organizations that can help you. We hear from them regularly, but it is important that they also hear directly from YOU."
Please take a moment to complete their confidential Community Survey.
In Spanish:
“Para saber cómo podemos ayudarle, necesitamos saber cuáles son sus necesidades, particularmente durante estos tiempos tan difíciles. Una manera como la Fundación puede apoyarle es ofreciendo recursos a las organizaciones comunitarias que lo pueden ayudar. Aunque estas organizaciones nos han informado sobre algunas necesidades, quisiéramos escuchar y aprender directamente de usted.”
Por favor ayude a la Fundación llenando el siguiente Cuestionario Comunitario.